Annnnd, here we are. Brookings, Oregon. Thank you Salty Dog Coffee Bar for some prime wifi....
Kyle, Sean, and myself continued some thorough enjoyment of what the West has to offer when it comes to "wilderness". After leaving Arcata yesterday we made our way up to Trinidad State Beach to set up camp where Keeba had recommended we set up for some coastal camping. Upon our arrival there, we ditched the campground to go straight for the trail to the beach as it was nearing its sunset closing time. The coast was absolutely beautiful and you can see the attached photos for a bit of proof. The photos here lend especially well toward convincing all the doubters -- the folks who've never been West but have heard its hype -- of California's dominance among the states when it comes to incredible landscapes.
"There is no way California is as awesome as everyone has hyped it up to be. It seriously couldn't be. I haven't been there, but I bet it's probably just mediocre like most places."
I've heard this so many times. I guess the joke's on them.
Eye candy:
The Starting Three. Trinidad State Beach, CA.
The Best Photo Ever Taken Of Kyle. Avenue of Giants, CA.
Stitched Panorama of Trinidad State Beach, CA.
Kyle's Stoop. Avenue of Giants, CA.
Found myself thinking this a lot today: "Man, I knew California was awesome. But I didn't know California was THIS awesome."
Anyways, this morning we woke up around seven after camping about forty minutes north of Arcata. Finally we got to have a campfire for ourselves. Something I've been waiting on for a good while now. Kyle's staple food, Cheddarwurst sausages, made their debut. Sean passed out early in the car while Kyle and I pulled out the field recorder to do some free-form music. Creative juices are flowing and we're looking forward to getting a kind of home base sooner (Portland) or later (Seattle) so we can maybe get some compositions going. Pretty exciting getting into all of this since Kyle's never really put much effort into making music himself. Though he has an awesome delivery for at least 75% of what he says...
Kind of needing to get back on the road now though, so until later....
Soundtrack now includes: Stevie Wonder's Songs In The Key Of Life and a few from For Once In My Life ("pure sugar" as Kyle calls it), Marvin Gaye "Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)", The National's "Lemonworld" and assorted, Gorillaz...
Dude, I've been listening to Stevie pretty constantly for the past several weeks...random! Also, love the pics. Glad your trip's off to a splendid beginning.
Beautiful pictures and narrative. Love you.